K.S. Brooks is an award-winning novelist and photographer, author of over 30 titles, and photojournalist and chief copy editor for a number of Washington State newspapers.

She is the creator of the Mr. Pish educational children's book series as well as the Agent Night suspense series. Other published works include romantic comedies, romantic suspense, satire, comic books, activity books, science fiction, non-fiction, and action-adventure thrillers. Brooks' feature articles, poetry, and photography have appeared in magazines, newspapers, books, and other publications worldwide. She is the executive director of the multi-author, multi-national website IndiesUnlimited.com, which was named by Publishers Weekly as one of the Top Six Blogs for Authors. With well over 6000 articles, tutorials, and resource pages, Indies Unlimited has been a reliable source for independent authors since 2011.

Brooks has served on the advisory board for Indie Author Day and is an Adjunct Instructor, teaching writing, publishing, and photography, for the Community Colleges of Spokane.

For more about K.S. Brooks, visit http://ksbrooks.com or her Amazon.com Author Central Page at http://amzn.to/2Et15dH. Indies Unlimited is at http://www.IndiesUnlimited.com.

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KS Brooks

KS Brooks

Book Author

Award-winning novelist and photographer. Fearless leader of IndiesUnlimited. Wilderness hermit, intrepid road warrior. Gluten-free guru. Slightly opinionated.